自宅の書庫に大切に保管していましたが 、断捨離のため、出品します。年代の割に、良い状態かと存じます。お探し方、この機会にぜひ宜しくお願いします。村山槐多全画集朝日新聞社 Murayama Kaita1983年 3月10日 初版30.3×23.3㎝ 214PA collection of artworks by Kaita Murayama from 1982, including all the oil paintings, watercolors, and drawings created at that time (consisting of 60 color plates and 137 monochrome plates). The collection also features two essays, "Kaita Murayama: His Life and Art" and "Kaita Murayama in the 1910s," as well as essays by individuals associated with Murayama, such as Shozo Yamazaki, Jiro Yamamoto, Kanae Yamamoto, Mesei Kosugi, and Takeo Arishima.カテゴリー:本・雑誌・漫画>>>本>>>アート・デザイン・音楽